1962 | C.F.S Westinghouse moves its static converters and semiconductor activities from Paris to Le Mans. |
1967 | Jeumont Schneider semiconductor department merges with C.F.S.W which becomes C.D.S.Westinghouse. |
1986 | Creation of POWEREX Inc., Joint Venture for power semiconductors between Westinghouse General Electric and Mitsubishi Electric. In Le Mans, C.D.S.W. becomes POWEREX Europe SA. |
1987 | POWEREX Europe SA acquires the CGEE ALSTHOM semiconductor department. |
1994 | POWEREX Europe SA becomes POWEREX Europe MA and merges in the SERES federation of companies. This federation of companies specialized in electronics employs more than 3500 people for a turnover of 250 M Euros. |
1998 | ISO 9002 certification by AFAQ |
1999 | AQF2 (Attestation Assurance Qualité Ferroviaire) by SNCF (French railways) |
2001 | IS0 9001 certification by AFAQ PEMA merges with BELCO |
2007 | ISO 9001 : 2008 certification |
2010 | EN 9100 : 2009 certification (aerospace requirements). |
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